What was my biggest ” AHA ” moment? That moment of clarity. Someone just asked this as a general question.
This was my answer:
I’d been treated for severe anxiety and depression and my biggest problem was ruminating on the past and worrying about what was going to happen the next day, the next week, the next year and so on. I’d been advised to focus only on the here and now, but I had a great deal of trouble changing the habit of a lifetime and couldn’t accept the new way of thinking.
Until. To keep fit while in hospital I would run a triangular course around the hospital. The final leg of the course was a very steep hill and it constantly defeated me. I would stop running and slowly walk up as I looked up to the top of the hill.
One day I pulled my cap down and looked at just one pace in front of me. All of a sudden it became incredibly easy to run up the hill. Focussing on the present and not worrying about the future. Incredibly the realisation hit me like a train. Every circuit of running around the hospital became easy – the steep hill almost disappeared, as long as I followed that new found practice.
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